Plots for Rs 3 Lakhs

  • Plot for ₹3,00,000
Mumbai, Navi Mumbai
  • Plot
  • Property Type
  • 1089
  • SFT
  • 1
  • Area Gunta
Featured For Sale Premium

Plots for Rs 3 Lakhs

Mumbai, Navi Mumbai
  • Plot for ₹3,00,000


Property ID: 27783
  • Plot
  • Property Type
  • 1089
  • SFT
  • 1
  • Area Gunta


  • City Mumbai, Navi Mumbai
  • State/county Maharashtra
  • Country India


100% Clear Title

30 Mins from Mumbai Highway

1 Gunta (1089 SFT Area)

Prime Location


  • Property ID: 27783
  • Price: Plot for ₹3,00,000
  • Property Size: 1089 SFT
  • Land Area: 1 Gunta
  • Property Type: Plot
  • Property Status: For Sale

Contact Information

Pradeep Rathod
  • Pradeep Rathod

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Pradeep Rathod
  • Pradeep Rathod